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Amelia Renee'

"A dead end in life is the same as the dead end you would see at the end of a road or street; it's where the road ends and you usually have to turn around (u-turn) if what you're looking for is not right in front of you. Normally in a car humans would make a "u-turn" to correct the route to their desired destination. I challenge you to ask yourself, what if a "u-turn" was not necessary, what if all you needed to do was stand still, stand tall and stand firm that you'll always find exactly where God ordained you to be?
Now there are instances where correction is beyond necessary, but I am referring to that moment when you've done all you can or you're out of moves and options. Sometimes God just needs us to stand still and let him order our steps and light the path to all he has for us. So, that's probably one of the many reasons God led you here. You most likely need a refresher, some guidance and encouragement. I, Amelia Renee' will never tell you that I have all the answers, but I will assure you that journey I have been on with God has equipped me to share all the love, guidance, encouragement, correction, and direction that God gives me, with you! "
- Amelia Renee'
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